Photographers Lifestyle Fall Edition

Pro Photographers Lifestyle Summer Photo Tour

Pro Landscape Photographers’ Life Style Edition

during the usual peak of the Fall colors in the Rockies

Start Location:  Banff Train Station, 327 Railway Banff, AB

End Location:  Banff Train Station

Start:  Aug. 21, 2020 at 6:00am

End:  Aug. 23, 2020 at 5:15pm

Cost: $995.00  (ILP service holders will receive a $100 refund)

Transportation:  Provided via group commercial transportation

# of Participants:  5

Accommodations:  Hosteling International hostels

Eventbrite - Canadian Rockies Fall Colours Photography Tour - Pro Photographers' Lifestyle Edition

Meals on your own:  You will need to prepare supper and breakfast in the hostel kitchen facilities the first night/morning. 

Day 1: Lunch will be at Lake Louise.  Supper is prepared by each tour member in the Hostel Kitchen.  We’ll be staying right on the Icefields Parkway our first night.   

Day 2:  Breakfast is to be prepared on youre own in the hosatel kitchen after we shoot the Sunrise nearbywhere there are lots of options are on your own via packed lunches, or purchased at convenient lunch stops along the way in Lake Louise on Day 1, at the Columbia Icefields Chalet on Day 2, and in Jasper on Day 3.

Lunches are on your own at restaurant stops around mid day during the tour.  We’ll eat together but everyone is responsible for their own bill.  Meals are not included on this tour but we will eat together.

Tour Leader:  Brian Merry

Welcome to the Canadian Rockies Landscape Photography Tour – Pro Photographer’s Life Style Edition

The Canadian Rockies are one of the most beautiful places in the World.  Few people, and even fewer outdoor photographers would dis agree with that.  And this takes you too the classic and iconic locations the Canadian Rockies are known for, plus a few relatively unknown photography locations too.

We’ll be living the lifestyle of a professional outdoor photofrapher during this tour.  We’ll be getting up early to get the best light with few other photographers present, and we’ll be staying in comfortable, but basic accommodations Hostelling International accommodations along the way to keep costs down.  This cost savings is past onto you in the form of the very low cost for this tour.

Early Friday morning we’ll meet in Banff to sign the waivers and photograph at one of the handfull of nearby iconic sunrise landscape photography location close to town.  Exact location to be determined based on the weather on the day of the tour.  Then, we’ll head North on the World Famous Icefields Parkway photographing through the heart of the Canadian Rockies over the next few days.

Accommodations and Meals:

We’ll be staying at Hosteling International (HI) hostels utilizing the detailed hostel network that HI has developed throughout the Rockies.  These hostels will get us staying overnight as close to the amazing iconic Canadian Rockies Landscapes as we can without sleeping outside.  We’ll be sleeping in dorm style accomadations in your own sleeping bags that you bring with you.  We’ll be in the hostel with other travelling back packers from all over the World.

We’ll be cooking our own meals separately within a reasonable amount of time set aside for cooking.  All Hostels have basic kitshen facililies with  gas or electric stovetop burners.  You are responsible fore your own meals.  Plan your own meals accordingly within the allowable time.  Propane stove top burners are available for cooking in the hostels for breakfast and supper. 

We will be departing the hostels on time early in the morning to ensure that we don’t miss the good sunrise and sunset light for landscape photography.  Expect very LONG DAYS during this tour.  Everyone will be driving in your own vehicles or car pooling.  Ride sharling may be possible if you don’t have a car.  We’ll facillitate making connections with other tour participants to ride share if you’re interested in doing that.  I reccomment that you do!


We’ll start in Banff and we’ll end in Jasper.  Please visit the Canadian Rockies Tour webpage for the detailed tour description featuring the itinerary, suggested sleeping and camera equipment and more.  

After the Tour:

The tour will start in Banff and end in Jasper.  This is a one way trip through the Rockies!  You will be tired after this tour because the sunrises are early and the sunsets are late.

Sunrise is at 5:36 am and sunset is at 10:15pm – That’s ~16.5 hours of sunlight  You will be tired Sunday night.  

Count on only getting only 5-6 hours sleep each night.  It is strongly suggested that after the tour you spend an extra night in Jasper, Hinton or in Mount Robson Provincial Park before driving home.  You will be tired after photographing the Sunset on Sunday.  Driving home after the Sunset is not recommended!  I recommend staying an extra night in Jasper.

*** You will be tired after the tour.  I suggest finding accommodation in Jasper overnight on Sunday night and driving home Monday morning after you get a good night’s rest. ***

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